I had this bit of clip art and I pondered on whether I should use it or not.
It says alot, in a joking way of course.
I have friends...both Irish and British. It's amazing the feelings they both have toward each others cultures/countries.
Not even knowing one another.
It's all history you see.
Valid history to each group.
I don't know how it will ever be resolved. I personally love both countries and both people groups.
I only pray that it will be.
Ireland truely is a "awe-inspiring" place of beauty and culture.
How can you change that?
What the country has been through and divided over, what the people have suffered, and died over, has made it what it is today.
"Injustice" is never fair, nor warrented.
Ireland is currently, once again dealing with a terrible injustice that has been revealed at this very moment, due to years of abuse in a setting that should have been "safe."
The country and their people are being humiliated and humbled in the world spotlight through no error of their own.
Why so much dealt to such a small island I wonder?
We may never know...but Ireland will overcome.
They are an entire land of "overcomers."
1 comment:
Joyce, I listened to Isle of Tears and I just boohooed. I can't imagine coming here at 15 and being the 1st to enter Ellis Island. What a beautiful but sad song. I am not sure if my greatgrandmother came through Ellis Island, as my sister has all my genelogy papers and won't send them back to me. I do know that the rest of Ellis Island is in the planning stages of opening up, where some of the infermed stayed until they were well enough to enter the US. I can't wait to see the entire Island. Did ya'll go up into the top of the Statue of Liberty at Liberty Island? I'm too afraid because it's all open on the spiral stairway and only one person can walk, so they only allow so many people at a time to go up and then they all come down the stairs, one at a time. Wish they could put an elevator in her body, then I would consider going up. I have only gone as far as the top tower, but even that was breathe taking. Thanks for sharing the story of Annie Moore, even though we read it at Ellis Island. I wish that everyone had the opportunity to visit at least Ellis Island and Liberty Island. I have been there 4 times and I always get the same feeling. Love and Blessings,Pat.
Hope you are doing good after your gb removal.
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