We LOVED the beautiful old homes of Savannah.
Ever since we've come home from our trip....all we have done is work, work, work in our yard, and in our flower beds and on our house.
Not because of the "inspiration" we saw and felt while in Savannah...but because we that live in the South now have HURRICANE SEASON bearing down on us.
Along with the EXTREME heat and humidity here in Louisiana and believe me you won't even want to sit on your patio in the day time when that all comes about.
We are rushing to finish up some projects that are better done in the cooler weather.
Like painting the garage and roofing our house. Ugh! My husband who is a master carpenter and a "Jack of ALL trades" will never pay anyone to do what he can do.
And he still thinks he is 18 years old....so he and our boys are going to be re-roofing our house in a few weeks. I'm not thrilled.
Pray no one falls off the roof....like my husband.
Can you guess why I liked this house?
I have never toured Savannah, but I sure want to! Great pictures! Thank you for sharing them.
Praying no one gets too chipper on the roof. ;)
I enjoyed your pics of Savannah!!! We lived there six years and loved every minute! I miss it!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Joyce,
Beautiful tour of Savannah, I know how hard it is to get back to everyday life, when going on vaation. It certainly looks as though you really had a great time. I read some of your other post and enjoyed them too. I would like to encourage you to continue blogging, I can't tell you the times I have thought of quitting, just couldn't find anything to write about, but some how just stuck in there. I enjoy reading other blogs better than mine. lol. However I do love writing about my everyday life, just finding the time is the problem. I also like changing my template and background and spend a lot of time playing with what's available. More time than I like to admit.
I have learned a lot by visiting other blogs and through trial and error.
Sorry for the long comment.
Thank you for coming by and for taking the time to comment.
I think you like the French style balconies on that house! I've only ever driven through Savannah but I have been to Charleston and I loved IT!
I so hope that all goes well with the roofing (I know how you must feel about it!)project!
We are about to get some of your Southern heat and humidity this weekend this early in the season - oh well much better than the snow!!
Hi Joyce.
Looks like you and your DH had a wonderful trip!
Blogging can sometimes stress us and interfere with our daily lives. Blog once a month or so...I would miss you!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Sharon
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