Friday, June 4, 2010

Time for a Tea Party

The very "Special Guests" have now all arrived and are being seated.
(On the dear friend "Brenda" who is from Kent, England. In the middle, Ms. Phillis, my good friend who hails from Jackson...'Mississippi' that is.")

On the left, my good friend Robin, on the right, Joanie..who is one of my dearest friends, she's like a Mother to me and we have probably enjoyed one of my longest, friendships since my arrival to Baton Rouge.)

Marsha is preparing to "pour tea" into the guest teacups...Diane is greeting and chatting with the guests. Every one of us in our Tea Group, are performing our little tea duties!
Lovely homemade English Scones and the highly delectable, and sought after "Lemon Curd" all made and brought by Marsha.
(Robin, Joanie, Diane, and a very pregnant Christy) "Christy in fact, just had her new baby girl YESTERDAY!"
Huge congratulations to Christy, and her husband and little sister "A"..oh, and of course, to "Nana Marsaha!!"

Marsha, taking a breather.......or should I say, "TRYING" to just breath, considering all the heat we had around us!

"Yours truly" taking in some tea and and delectables, and trying not to "melt."
Tricia being a wonderful hostess at her table.

"Let them eat cake!!!""Garden Teas" are great fun.....just do consider the weather ahead of time.
Yet when you plan in advance...who really can tell how the weather is going to turn out.
You just MUST be prepared for all things...even moving indoors in case of torrential rain or what have you.

I would do an outdoor event like this again...because we loved doing this on the patio.

We have have a phrase we used here in South Louisiana that explains how we must go about things in this world......
"C'est la vie!!!"

Which means......"Such is Life!"

A person shouldn't get so overwhelmed by the small things. Yet we do don't we? Is this an American thing or a "Control" issue?

Really...we need to enjoy life and the people that we get to do it with.

Life is short...make the most out of it.
Even if it's hot at your Tea Party.


My Vintage Studio said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Hugs, Sharon

Ms.Daisy said...

I love seeing your garden tea party! It is so pretty and inviting! I feel like I could just sit down and have a piece of that delicious looking cake! lol!
