Monday, August 30, 2010

Here Today and Into Eternity

Marianne, Guy and their daughters.......
Marianne was here one day......then gone the next.
Today was her "Homegoing".....and life will never be the same for this little family.

Please pray for these baby girls who have lost their Mama and this young Father and Husband who has lost his wife.
I promise you this couple was a "jewel" to this world.
And this woman was a great woman of God...and a beauty on the inside and the outside.

She will be sorely missed by multitudes.
But we have this blessed hope........that we will see her again.

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:20

Please pray for this family.


My Vintage Studio said...

So sorry to hear the sad news for this family. They will be my prayers.

Please enjoy your trip.

Hugs, Sharon

Ms.Daisy said...

So sorry to hear of this little family's sorrow! May the good Lord Bless and Keep them! I'm praying for you and Jennie.


sister sheri said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying!

Bernideen said...

Oh Joyce...I don'tknow what happen to promise to pray for this man and precious girls.