Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"The Tales Of Two Sisters"...the Drama Begins.

Hi everyone.
Sorry I've been delayed. In more ways than one.
Firstly......my flights on Delta Airlines were a mess this past Saturday.
Long story...happy ending....many hours later. UGH!

It began with a "toilet malfunction" on the plane we were to fly on out of New Orleans...this small "delay" because a 2 hour PROBLEM...especially since the mechanic didn't show for over an hour. Needless to say...many people including myself..missed our next connecting flight.

Mine was from Memphis to Omaha. So...I stayed reluctantly having no choices...in Memphis for
5 hours...just praying to get onto the last flight to Omaha. I was in this dilemma along with another man that was just hoping to make it to Omaha that night at least...just like me.

He was just wanting to get home to his wife and kids after having worked for 7 solid weeks in Louisiana...
I was just needing to get to my family who's homes are in Iowa.
He was missing his nephew's "christening" and I was missing the "Greek Festival" in Omaha with my sister Jenny.

This was all totally frustrating and nothing to shout "OPA" about.
However...you must deal with the LEMONS life gives you and make "lemonade" somehow out of them.

So I did the BEST I could.

And made three new friends. Two ladies...one a College student at Prudue University..and a lady from Indianapolis who used to live in Baton Rouge (where I life) and had a few things in common with me. We had lunch together at the airport in Memphis...and chatted for hours.

Then it was time for them to go to their gates to wait the remainder of the time.
At which point I went to my gate waiting area and chatted with the gentleman that was going my direction for a bit. I watched his stuff while he would go to the restroom and he would watch my stuff. HA! Worked out nicely.

Plus once we were waiting to get boarded on the new flight...he checked something on his seating...he was to sit very near where I was...across the aisle actually where they had placed us in First Class (don't be jealous, I didn't even eat or drink anything but was thankful for more leg/seat room) and found out that they didn't even have me BOOKED on that flight. UGH! Even though I was HOLDING the new tickets and boarding pass in my hands.

 Apparently the previous Supervisor I worked with for a "refund voucher" for $25.00 from Delta knocked me completely out of their SYSTEM!!!
More drama that I had to go solve at the last minute.

You know...I believe that "GOD" puts people in our paths for a reason and a purpose. Although I wonder now at this point..."what was that all about?" And the "did I do or say what I was supposed to?" thing....

I firmly know in my heart...that "One plants...one waters, and God gives the increase."
So my little time of "planting or watering" in the Memphis airport that day....hopefully will not be in vain.

I do feel that people...all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds...need encouragement.
If all we ever do is encourage people even...then we have done alot.

Once arriving in Omaha...I said goodbye to my new airport friend who watched my back on this journey...
I told him "thank you so much for all your help, and that I was grateful that he would help me....a stranger.
And just how tthankful I was because God always sends me someone when I need help."

I happily met my sister Jenny and my nephew as I came through the security area. And I think my friend met up with his family....I lost track of them in the midst of every one's reunion joy.

Today is Tuesday and I am behind on my posting for a couple reasons number one being....I left my camera in my vehicle when I got to the NOLA airport. How in the world that happened I don't know but I think I had dug for something in my little purse and pulled it out and forgot to put it back in.

Highly disappointing.
But it's on my way to me right now...thankfully my sweet husband 2 day expressed it to me and I should have it tomorrow before we start our "Missouri Trip."

By the way...don't be jealous of this either...but...the temp in the night went down to 64 degrees! The next few days we will be experiencing weather in the mid 70's. Amazing!!
This Southern girl is a bit concerned though because she didn't bring any long sleeved clothing or long jeans...so...I might need to visit the Target today. HA!

I'll have another update soon hopefully!
For now.....


Ms.Daisy said...

SO,SO glad you got through it with God's help! I know how you feel about a stranger coming along to help you out...happened to me a time or two also! Have a grand time with Jennie and "stay safe out there!"


The HopeChest said...

Good to hear from you....I know it's been crazy, you get some rest, too, for your next leg. You two sisters nurture and take good care of each other, I'm envious not seeing my sis for a while. Nothing like sisters and your times together. More later, I know.

The Urban Chic said...

oh how I envy your journey and you know why.My sister and I will never have that pleasure again, so enjoy your time with Jenny and your family..Love Pat

sister sheri said...

I so agree about everyone needing encouragement. So glad to read about how you took those lemons... and made lemonade!