Friday, January 21, 2011


"A Rolling Stone Gather's No Moss"

However, I've learned.....they may "gather" in your Kidney.

This is another interesting life "lesson" I've had to encounter this week.
I have ONE of these nasty, little things in my lower's not caused me any issues and I didn't even know it was there.
Had it not been for a "CAT SCAN" that I had about a month ago for some other issue...I wouldn't have known about it even.
But the Dr's told me I had an "enlarged kidney"..which also showed this one stone.
I've had a tiny bit of "pressure".....but when your a Mom that's had four expect that part.
So now we are engaged in a new adventure.....the
"passing of the kidney stone"
and if it doesn't come out this will be "Lithitripsyed" this coming Wednesday.
It's always something it seems...


Ms.Daisy said...

I'm praying for you that it comes out on its own and you won't need another procedure! Yes, it is always something but sometimes it needs to be somthing good! :) Hang in there girlfriend!


Linda Jennings said...

"It's always something!"
one of my favorite quotes by Gilda Radner in character as Roseanne Roseannadanna on Saturday Night Live

Denise said...

Oh my..... praying for that little stinker to pass along and go his merry way.... Bless your heart! let us believe together.....

Barbara said...

Hope all is well by now. In similar situation. Had a scan beginning of month for something else and they find an ovarian cyst that I never knew I had. On we go.