Tuesday, April 19, 2011

~Smoky Mountain National Park~

If you ever get the chance......you need to visit some of America's National Parks.
These are places set aside by our country and they hold great significance to something of great wonder and beauty in the areas they are located in.

We took this opportunity to re-visit "The Great Smoky Mountains National Park" on our trip to
Gatlinburg, Tennesse a few weeks ago.

Or as our youngest son called
"The Pokey Mountains."

We had taken our family to this area when our children were little.
Luke was semi "correct" actually about these being the
 "Pokey Mountains."

You can't take these Mountains "fast."
You must take them slowly.
Partly due to the roads being wind some and steep and narrow.
But also because of the various sites within these Mountains.
If you rush.....you'll more than likely miss something important.

Upon entering the National Park we headed straight for an area called
"Cades Cove" which was first settled by Europeans in the early 1800's.

(John Oliver Cabin)
We had remembered from the other time we had gone there that there were a great variety of cabins and areas that are worth wandering through in this part of the park.

(Someone snapped this photo for us)

At one point in this little 11 mile "Cove" area, the population living there was upwards to 271 people.
Which is amazing.

It's a beautiful secluded area with Mountains protecting this "Cove."

Can you just imagine trying to live in this rugged place though?
The rocks in the ground were still prevalent everywhere........I tried to imagine the farmers trying to plant and raise crops with that happening to them. 

(The Primitive Baptist Church circa 1887)
The Primitive Baptist Church and Graveyard
Where many of the residents of this area are currently residing.

Throughout Cades Cove are wonderful "walking paths" and "foot trails" leading to many wonderful sites......including "Abram's Fall's."
Which unfortunately with my body issues.....we didn't hike up to.

Although, I was very proud of how much walking and hiking,
I WAS able to do on this trip!


Ms.Daisy said...

I love that picture of the little white church...it is so pretty. My honeymoon was spent in part of the Smokey Mountains many, many moons ago. It was beautiful. I'm glad you got to get away for a bit of relaxation.


The Urban Chic said...

Hi Joyce, thanks for stopping by and looking at Donnie's pictures. Not sure where I put the one of the Effiel Tower, but I think everyone has seen that. Love all your pictures of your trip. I went when I was 10 and still remember ths steep roads and winding roads. I suffered from car sickness, so it wasn't fun until we stopped the car for tours. Glad you had a good time. I am still weak and have no energy, but thought the new Hallmark catalog would cheer me up, but not even that helped. Oh well, I'm sure my energy will return soon. Love and hugs, Pat

Denise said...

What a trip....... I too especially like the little white church. Takes us back to a simpler time... Quiet and peaceful...... We could all use that...

Have a great weekend and Have a blessed Easter my friend..... HE has Risen!