Friday, April 1, 2011

Smoky Mountains Trip

If you've wondered where I have been.........however,
I must confess.

I've been on vacation. 
And still am!

Doing a bit of this.........
And this.......

And this of course...

Nope, I'm not in England.

I'm in the SMOKY Mountains.
And it's COLD...brrrr!!!

There will be more tales to tell, once I arrive back home.


Denise said...

I will take some of that fish and hush-puppies thank you.......


Ms.Daisy said...

Enjoy your time in the Smokies...that is where we honeymooned in the fall of 1960 and it was beautiful. Of course, I was very young! Ha!


Linda Jennings said...

I signed the guest book today at The Wild Plum Tea Room directly under your name!

parTea lady said...

That is a fun place to vacation. We've been to Pigeon Forge several times. The fish and chips sure look yummy.

Enjoyed seeing your fun posts about the annual St. Patrick's party.