Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Google EARTH

Google Earth.....
Have you tried it out yet?? If not you might want to download it and check out some sites. It's free.
I've been all over the world. HA! HA!
The very first site I went to look at was Darfur (Sudan) to see what was going on over there.

Then of course.....I went to London.
Had to do that one forsure.
Since then I've been on top of the Eiffel Tower and looked all over Paris....I've been to Holland, checked out some things there....and back to England many times.

I know you must be thinking...."She doesn't have a life does she? HA! HA!
Well I actually I DO or I'd be going to more sites and personally......I would be there in PERSON if I could be. Time, money and family do not allow me to do that in this season of my life.
Seasons come and go all the time.....I waiting on some new ones to kick in gear in more ways than one.

For now......I will have to settle for "google earth."
Oh and I have FINALLY learned how to insert a link......duh.
Sorry these things don't come easy to me! Thanks for bearing with me.

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