Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One More Death.......

This is the month I celebrate "Ireland"......and I want to really promote the "happy and fun things" about that land......but I don't feel I can really yet.
Not until I can get these rantings out of my system.

Because ANOTHER senseless murder has taken place in Northern Ireland.
And I feel you should know this.

This time it was a Police officer that was murdered.

Which was very typical of what happened in the years past during "The Troubles."

Honestly some people have debated wither "The Troubles" truly had gone away....because some "thing" was always going on behind the scenes it seems.
It was nice to "wish" that they had though.

Thousands of "Children" and various protesters of ALL faiths have filled the streets of not only Belfast, and Derry but other cities as well, all over Northern Ireland.

"Constable Stephen Carroll, 48, was shot dead by the dissident "Republican Continuity IRA" as he answered a call in Craigavon on Monday night." "Constable Carroll, a Catholic, who had been due to retire within 12 months, was a man who "wanted a future for his wife and his children".

This mans death happened for no good reason.
Other than the fact that he was a "Police Officer"
You see "back in the day"....the terrorist used to love to kill Police officers...especially in front of their families.

I know a person whose father had been a Police officer in Belfast during "The Troubles.
Every morning before he took his children to school, the kids had to stand far away from the family car while the Father checked underneath the vehicle with a long stick with a mirror attached. He was checking for explosives.

This family also used a special "secret sign" that the children would look for every day upon returning home from school before entering their house. That way they would know it was safe to go inside.

I won't say much more on this from this point because I don't want to glorify these terrible acts or those people that have done these things.

Yet, I wanted to make people AWARE that this is happening once more.
And somehow recognize these men who I don't even know.... whose lives were cut short by terrorism in such a beautiful country.

No one wants this to happen ever again.
I don't want to ever talk about it again. Yet sadly, I probably will.

Let's hope and pray this is the last of it.

"Hatred starts fights,
but love pulls a quilt over the bickering."
Proverbs 10:12 (The Message)

Ireland isn't all about the "North."
In fact, that is just "Six" out of 32 counties in Ireland. It's just that those "Six" get a lot of attention.
Negative attention that is.

We will focus on some of the other areas of Ireland which by the way has 26 glorious counties within it's another time.


Sunny said...
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Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Ireland and its people have suffered for centuries.
Some of my ancestors came to this continent looking for a fresh start and relief from the horror they left behind.
I believe they found it...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didnt know all of this was going on there. Im so under a rock sometimes,ugh! That is so sad to hear... What a beautiful place to have such ugly...

My Vintage Studio said...

Your post today is very informative. More people need to read this stuff so they are not so blind to the suffering of others.

Julie said...


I was deeply moved by both of your N. Ireland posts. What a shame, after so many years. I was going to do a similar pos but decided I couldn't do any better than you did. It did prompt me, however, to do a lot of research into "the problems" and the original fight for independence.