Sunday, November 4, 2007

So GLAD that is OVER!

I'm sooooo GLAD just as probably every other person in Baton Rouge and this entire State who cares anything about LSU football......
that the much anticipated game with Alabama is OVER!

I was coming home from somewhere last night and the city was like a GHOST TOWN!
I'm serious. We could even tell when the game STARTED!
Everything became that still.

Once out on the was as if everyone was GONE!
Or it was Christmas Day!
There was little to NO traffic on the streets and that is so rare for Baton Rouge on a Saturday night.

Weird.....but yet very interesting to see how much that this one game "captivated" this city.

It was another one of those very stressful games where at some point I had to leave the room for a little while because of the tenseness of it all.
Then things changed.
Thankfully, it's over now.....and LSU won. Whew!

Let's move on.

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