Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Time For Tea?" Not even.....

Now there's a word. We are all tired. But we have to still keep "running" for now.

The "Twins/Cousins" made it safely back to Iowa...."K" threw up in the truck at the New Orleans airport...poor thing.

"K and KJ getting ready to catch their flight to Memphis"

"The Cousins and Caleb"
"All the Cousins.....except Miss Priss hanging out on the back patio"

The "Twins" at the LSU Student Union Steps.

(note: I put those "closed eye" photos on here anyway because those boys did it on PURPOSE....BRATS!!!)

Miss Priss
starts school in TWO days....what's up with that??
Luke starts College in about 2 weeks. I think. HA!

We have errands galore today.....I can't even stop for tea.

I hate that.

Next week.....back to "house" things around here. It's time to finish up.
"Fall's a coming."

Well.....not anytime soon in Louisiana.
But it's a nice thought.


Denise said...

Hey girl......I have missed you and yes you missed the party... but I bet I will have more....Sounds like you have been so busy ..Seems that summer time is stealing my time as well........... but........ just think of all the catching up we can do when the weather is cold and rainy ....... Take time for that cup of tea!


Denise said...

P.S. did you go over to Sew The Word blog and take a look at my cute stuff!!!!!! When you get a minute go and see and I will be putting some for sale in a week or two....

Julie said...


You'd better stop running and take care of yourself for a couple of weeks before the fall doins' start. You don't want to make yourself sick!

Unknown said...

Well, this looks like you have been having exhausting fun! Hopefully, you'll be ready for that cup of tea soon.

Love ya, KJ

MelanieJoy said...

Hi Joyce,
I just jumped over from Denise's and wanted to say hello. I am another Louisiana girl! I'm from way up north though. I've been down south only a few times so I enjoyed your tour of St Francisville....beautiful!! Well,
it's a pleasure meeting you.