Friday, October 26, 2007

Chatterings and a quote......

It looks like another grand, Fall like day out. I'm glad.

When I was still in bed this morning I was a bit achey and I could TELL that it was cold outside. The joints have a way of forcasting the weather at times. Weird I know but it happens.

I have a million things to do today....well somewhat, so I can't even believe that I am sitting here at my computer. Obsession I suppose.

The "Girlfriend" is in from Connecticut.....she came to see me for a tiny, bit yesterday. It was good to see her face. There was special "surprise birthday party" held in her honor last night at Hibachi. My son has been planning this for awhile so I hope she was pleased. We weren't invited!'s okay though. This was for their friends and such.

Tonight is the Homecoming game for my other two kids High School. They will be going to the Homecoming dance tomorrow night so we have been buying "Homecoming attire" for weeks now. I'm broke.

"Miss Priss" is going with "The Russian" as she calls him.....her boyfriend of over a year now. Luke is going with a friend of his. I needed to find a name for him to use on here. I'm trying to move away from some things "name wise."
I will explain all that later.

Tomorrow is Miss Priss's birthday......17! Yikes!! My baby girl.

Right, and I had already moved out from my parents home when I was 17, can you imaigne? Long story.

My kids have such a totally different life than I did. They don't get it either.
Oh day maybe.

So on Sunday we will go to eat as a family somewhere and celebrate "the Girlfriend and Miss Priss's" birthdays. That will be nice.

Got to go...visiting the Chiropractor this morning. I am WAY too young for all this stuff.
Take care of yourselves people!! Don't abuse your bodies or you will pay at some point.
I can't drive that message home hard enough.

I saw this quote today and liked's a good one.

"Use your ministry to build people, not people to build your ministry."
--Jacquelyn K. Heasley

I think that is the way it should be...........not "my will" but yours.

Have a lovely day.....we will talk more later.

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