Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Major" update..... Re: POLAND!!!

I got up this morning, WAY tooo early I might add, and I AM going back to bed after a horrible night of little sleep.

I fed my dear husband breakfast because he's a great guy, works hard and takes care of us all so well that I like to take care of him as well when I am able to do so.

I checked my e-mails and had this GREAT letter from our good friends
Keith and Iwona who live in Kansas City.

Keith works on staff at the "IHOP"
(International House of Prayer) base there and Iwona does some very, important volunteer work there as well.

I was so excited about the contents of the letter that I decided I HAD to share some of it with you all as well because many of you don't recieve their mailings.

It's so awesome to see how God is using Keith and Iwona and continuing to fulfill their LOVE for missions and to hear what is going on with POLAND!

They have served in many nations.....but have a deep love for POLAND, Iwona's home country. Their plan is to go back to Poland one day and start an IHOP there.

Which is a SUPERB ideal!!

My son went to Poland on his travels and he LOVED Poland. He was traveling with a Polish boy that was from Iwona's city so he even got to go to where she was from and he thought the Polish people were very cool.
He loved their food and the country.

I have to say that through the years, especially growing up in the Midwest where it is VERY European ethnic, which I might add that I DEEPLY miss......anyway......we were always around Poles.
I mean you didn't go anywhere without meeting someone with a "ski" on the back of a or some other Polish distinction on their last name.

Plus "Polka" music was HOT where I grew up.
It's so funny to think about now......

I love Polish people.
Several of my good friends even now are Polish and have interesting stories.

Poles have really gotten a BAD rap through the years.
So many jokes have been made about them. People have degraded them.

But if you knew them.....you would learn and understand the horrible sufferings that the Polish people have been through at the hands of several countries.

Check your history books people.
You might want to focus on this one word in regard to Poland......


Not only that.....there were 8 actual death camp sites in Poland this isn't even counting what happened AFTER the country of Poland was "liberated."
Then the Polish people suffered again after that happened at the hands of another country.

I've talked with Iwona intimately through the years and I know what she personally saw and went through under the hands of communism. Her "faith" and "church" helped her and many others to get through what they did.

I have seen her struggles with what happened to her country.
It's not an easy thing to get over I realize that.
But she is full of forgiveness.

The best thing is.......SHE is making a huge difference. Even from America.
So is Keith.
I love it.

Missions can be done from afar. Don't think it can't be. Do what you can from where you are at if you can't go right now. If you can't "go" then "give" of what you can....time, money, knowledge, whatever.

We are dropping in to see Keith and Iwona next month on our way home to Iowa, we have to go right through Kansas City on the journey so we always make that stop....and then hopefully we are going back up in December for the "ONETHING" conference.

It will be GOOD to see our old friends again.
We really love and miss them.

Read on this is really a good letter.....
The Poles are coming!

On November 1st, over 100 Polish church leaders will be arriving to Kansas City to be apart of a program that Iwona and I have put together at the International House of Prayer called onething.popolsku.
They will be spending several hours in the prayer room daily as well as being taught by Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Rick Joyner and other IHOP leaders during this 12-day intensive program.

Iwona has been translating IHOP material into Polish several hours a day for the past few months so that these leaders would be able to take it back to their churches. Our desire is that this program will immerse their hearts in the IHOP message and lifestyle. We pray that God will surprise them, draw them, unite them and prepare them for the future.

Pope John Paul II prophesied to Poland,
"You be a spark that will cause world-wide revival that would usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ".

Poland has taken a very strong moral stand in the European Union.
Abortion has been illegal there for over 18 years and gay-pride parades are not allowed.


Over 100 Polish leaders will be arriving to IHOP this week

The concept of organizing this program started last year, after a few friends from Poland visited IHOP and clearly understood that this is the time which would be very beneficial for the Christian leaders of Poland to hear the call and message of the Forerunner message and visit the IHOP Missions Base. The leaders of IHOP graciously listened to us and gave us permission to proceed with the idea of creating the first Polish Internship at IHOP.

Iwona and I met with a number of Polish pastors and leaders when we visited Poland several months ago; however, we did not expect such a response and interest in this program which the International Department of IHOP has allowed us to develop.

Of the leaders attending, 38 are pastors and 22 are worship leaders. Over 60 of them are coming from 3 cities in Poland, the rest from all over the country.

Many of these servants are seasoned and experienced leaders, who came to know Jesus during communism and started their ministry then. Many are well known in Poland. There is a sense of divine urgency among them, prompting them to come to IHOP at this time. Most of them are on a journey of establishing the prayer movement in their cities and regions.

The link for this program is:www.onethingpopolsku.pl

Financial update
$5000 still needed

IHOP is not charging anything for the program, but the Poles had to pay for their housing, food and airfare. With funds donated from Poland, we were able to provide scholarships for fifteen of these leaders. We are still needing around $5000.

If your heart is moved by the opportunity to invest in Polish leaders and you would like to sow into this opportunity please contact us.

Let me know and I can get you in touch with Keith and Iwona or you can contact the IHOP directly and donate towards this event. It's a great cause.
Never any fluff involved.
I promise you this.
ALL your monies will go towards helping Polish leaders.

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