Friday, November 2, 2007

"The Garden Gnome Book"

Yesterday a very sweet and dear friend of ours sent this little book to me in the mail!
I couldn't imagine what she had sent to me upon finding the pacgage in my mail box....but when I opened it I LAUGHED because I knew she had sent it because of a previous blog posting!

SOOO funny!

Isn't life grand?

How nice of you Suzette to take the time and effort to send that cute, little book to me in the mail along with your lovely letter. You are a great encourager.
Thank you SO much your prayers!!

Suzette and her husband Larry are some of THE "nicest, honest and Godliest" people you will ever meet on this planet.

They have been through major trials of their own and NEVER complain.
I just love them! Everyone does.

I'm SO glad we know them.
What an honor.
They have been kind to us and so many other people.

Thank you Suzette.
I will always treasure my little book and think of you!
Your a great blessing!!!

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